westay incontrol
We know that developing a new building is a complex undertaking. Thanks to our wide-ranging expertise and overview of every aspect of the process, we connect effortlessly with all the different stakeholders, ensuring that their interests are aligned so that everyone benefits. We are team players first and foremost. For us, staying in control means a strong commitment to synergy.
The elegant exterior aims for the highest standards of sustainability and evokes the timeless glamour.
We never forget that it takes considerable time to develop a building, while the world is changing around us at an ever-increasing pace. That’s why we respond to changes as they arise, taking opportunities as and when they present themselves to achieve the best possible results. Our flexible approach means that we adapt rapidly, without compromising on quality, thanks to our flat structure that enables us to make fast decisions. We know that there is huge value in being open to change.
Of course, it’s important that our projects are profitable, and they are. Yet we also know that are more values than just the bottom line – and we work hard to optimize those. From social values to sustainability, we respond to the world with the complexity that it demands, adding more value to every project than simply financial gains. This way, we make everybody happy on multiple levels, and everyone involved can be proud of our projects. And that makes us happy and proud, too.
welevel upreal estate
We believe in maximum value, not just maximum profit. Our philosophy is based on taking a more intelligent approach to value creation. This results in raising the quality of real estate. In other words, we create next-level buildings. Luckily, it turns out that next-level quality is also profitable – and fun to achieve for all concerned.
are design driven
We believe that great design is the best way to fulfil our goal of realizing projects that are as architecturally ambitious as they are profitable, and as sustainable as they are socially responsible. For us, design doesn’t just drive the end product: It also steers the development process and the business model behind it. Great design and solid design thinking enable us to optimize our projects and meet the needs of all our stakeholders. And that is the shared vision that informs everything we do.
think beyond
We are curious about the future and so we always look further – thinking beyond the brief and the deadline. We strive to anticipate coming developments in technology and society so that our buildings will enjoy a long, healthy and productive life. Our focus on sustainability and flexible use is all part of that awareness of the future. So is our commitment to high-quality architecture: We know it lasts longer.